4 Things To Map Before Beginning A Landscape Design Plan


When it comes to designing your new landscaping, a good map is an invaluable tool. The maps you need are ones that you or your landscape designer creates to detail the unique layout and features of your land. This map will then be used to create a design plan that will thrive with the features and elements that make your yard unique.

1. Water Flow

How irrigation and rainwater flows over the property and collects in certain areas can impact plant choices. Your map should include low spots that drain slowly and any slopes where water flow tends to cause erosion. The best way to map water flow over your yard is to walk the lawn and take notes immediately after a moderate rainfall or heavy irrigation session. 

2. Wind Direction

Don't overlook wind when planning a garden design. Wind direction affects what to plant where. For example, you may want to add a hedge or a fence to the property on the side most prone to high winter winds to act as a windbreak. Some things may need to be placed so they are not at odds with prevailing wind directions, such as vine-covered trellises that could be blown over. You can use historical weather data for your area to get an idea of which way the winds come from depending on the season.

3. Sun Exposure

When it comes to plants, one of the most important aspects to consider is sun exposure for every part of the landscape. Ideally, you can map sun exposure over an entire growing season, from spring to fall. Otherwise, you will have to try and determine how sun exposure varies over the course of the year by estimating how much light will be blocked by certain features, like trees and buildings, as the sun rises higher in summer and lower towards autumn. Certain plants depend on receiving minimum hours of sunlight, so it's important to be as accurate as possible.

4. Traffic Patterns

If your new landscape design will include hardscaping like new paths and walkways, then mapping out the most commonly used traffic patterns in your yard is a good idea. For example, if everyone in the family tends to cut across the lawn to get to the driveway, then adding a path connecting the home's door to the driveway along that path can help reduce erosion and plant damage once the landscaping is installed.

Contact a garden and landscape design service to learn more. 


19 June 2023

Making the Outdoors Pretty

So often, we focus on making the insides of our homes pretty. But what about the outside? The landscaping around your home also matters. Nice, cleanly trimming bushes, colorful flowers, and tidy garden beds can make even the most basic home really look stunning. There are landscaping companies that can transform your space within a few days, and then work to maintain it throughout the season. If you want the exterior of your home to look nicer, then we invite you to read this landscaping blog. You'll learn more about the professionals in this industry, and you'll probably pick up a few hands-on tips, too.